Asea Sistemi is a company active in the supply of measuring instrumentation and test environments for Electromagnetic Compatibility tests, Antenna measurements, RF field measurements, Analysis and electromagnetic environmental impact, Naval monitoring systems, Mobile laboratories, Monitoring stations RF, Software development in various work environments (LabView, C ), Service, Maintenance, Calibrations. 

Asea Sistemi boasts more than twenty years of experience in the design of Anechoic and Semianechoic Chambers and in the supply and installation of numerous "turnkey" laboratories for Electromagnetic Compatibility tests, ESD test tests, antenna characterization and so on. He has participated directly, in the European context, as part of the "WG4" working group of CENELEC in the drafting of the EN 50147 Standard. The activity in the main Committees for the drafting of Standards is now guaranteed by the technicians of ETS-Lindgren of which Asea Sistema is an exclusive partner on the national territory. 

Asea Sistemi counts among its clients prestigious names in the Industry, Research, University, Defense and Automotive and Railway sectors.

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